Explaining myself

A writer should always ask, “Who is my audience? For whom am I writing?”

Some bloggers say they’re writing for themselves, and they don’t care if anyone reads their stuff or not. To which I wonder, “Then why blog? Why not just journal?” I’m not questioning their motives so much as I’m trying to understand.

When I write, I have an audience in mind. Maybe it’s just one person, or maybe it’s a crowd. But I can picture a Christ-follower, usually a woman, who struggles with depression, anxiety, or another mental illness. Who wonders if she’ll ever be well. Who thinks she’s the only one in the world with these feelings. She’s me, or who I used to be, or who I could be again.

I know I have family and friends who read my blog posts, and that delights me. I like expressing myself in this way to them, hopefully giving them a little insight into thoughts that I might not express outwardly. But they’re my friends – they care about me – and I want them to know how I feel.

I’m also grateful for followers and readers of my blog who I don’t know personally. How awesome that they would take the time to read my words, to consider my experiences.

In both cases – with both groups of readers – I hope that I express the struggles of depression in a Christ-follower. I hope by writing about it, I help to diminish its stigma, especially within the Christian community.

I try to write honestly, from a place of transparency and authenticity. I might write about my current situation, or I might be recalling a time in the past. I try to make that distinction clear as I put my words on the page. Occasionally, I’ll write about the future, and I want those posts to be hopeful and not full of dread.

But the reality is that I have some anxieties when I look to the future. I wonder about relapsing into depression. I think it’s always in the back of my mind that it could happen. So I don’t look ahead too often; I’m trying to live in the moment, and write from this place.

For a long time in my dark depression, I anticipated and feared the future, the changes that I was inevitably going to face because of my maturing family. I wasted two years worrying about things that I couldn’t clearly foresee, and I certainly couldn’t control. I “pre-grieved.” I anticipated change and mourned it before it even happened.

All that did was drive me deeper into depression and anxiety, and rob me of the joys of the moment. Such are the beasts of these mental illnesses. A focus away from the present.

So I write what I’m thinking today, what I’m feeling at this time, or what I’m recalling as my emotional status in the past.

And I’m writing to explain my thoughts, emotions, moods and experiences with depression. What it’s like to live with it, when being battered by it, or when it’s in remission, like it is right now.

And I always feel better when I’ve written my thoughts down. So maybe I am my own audience, after all.

Thanks for reading!

8 thoughts on “Explaining myself

  1. Kim Petitt December 8, 2019 / 12:13 am

    When I started my blog I believed that if I couldn’t be transparent then it I shouldn’t be doing it. Thank you for your transparency!


  2. Aunt Peggy January 23, 2019 / 11:10 pm

    …and keep writing Peggy and we will keep reading! Your words flow from your pen.. You are going to be a perfect encourager to those in need of wisdom from this suffering. Thank you for taking us along! Love you..

    Liked by 1 person

    • peggyricewi January 24, 2019 / 8:39 am

      Love you too! Thank you for all of your encouragement in my writing.


  3. chrisricewI January 23, 2019 / 11:44 am

    I’m glad that I can read your posts and get some insight.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. kbailey374 January 22, 2019 / 6:27 am

    I appreciate your bog. You seem to express a lot of what I have experienced. I may not comment (I am usually on my phone which is not set up with password etc) but I am always happy to “hear” from you. God bless you and keep at it friend, I know it is healing for you and it is healing for me, too!


    • peggyricewi January 22, 2019 / 6:31 am

      Thanks, Kathy! Hope you are beginning to feel better!


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